

GraviStore Commercial Demonstrator

We are planning for the first full-scale commercial deployment of our GraviStore gravity energy storage system (GESS). The project will deploy a first-of-a-kind underground GESS in an existing mineshaft, to de-risk all the areas of uncertainty that a commercial project developer will need to be proven.

To achieve this, we are working with commercial partners in several jurisdictions in Europe who have expertise in all aspects of project development; including technical, commercial, legal and financial. 

At the same time, we are also conducting feasibility studies across the areas of Europe where mines are coming to the end of their life or are already part of a de-commissioning plan. These studies encompass looking at how existing assets and vital skills and knowledge can be re-used, and communities maintained.

This first full-scale project will provide a pathway to other commercial projects and allow our solution to be embedded into mine decommissioning activities, offering a potential future for coal mines approaching the end of their original service life.


H2FlexiStore Concept Demonstrator

Our team continues to make significant progress on our underground hydrogen storage plans and are currently collaborating with research partners on a Scottish Government funded study to optimise the design of our novel H2FlexiStore lined rock shaft technology.

At the same time we have been working hard to identify potential sites for a sub-scale demonstrator project, with the aim of getting the installation built ahead of a wider commercial rollout.

With that target in mind, we have signed a MoU with infrastructure major VSL Systems UK to aid the development of our pioneering ground engineering solutions; have letters of support from Scottish Power’s hydrogen team and the University of Leeds; agreed an NDA with Scottish Gas Networks (SGN) and held talks with Obsidian Renewables regarding US market opportunities.

Our discussions continue to reinforce our view that there will be significant demand for safe, affordable ways to store large volumes of hydrogen close to sources of renewable power (which can generate green hydrogen), and near to where it will be required by end users like hydrogen-powered industrial hubs and commercial scale hydrogen filling stations for heavy-duty transport.


Leith Concept Demonstrator

During 2021 we successfully constructed, commissioned, and operated a 250kW, grid-connected gravity energy storage demonstration project using a 15-metre-high rig at the Port of Leith, Edinburgh.

The demonstrator used two 25-tonnes weights suspended by steel cables. In a series of tests, we dropped the weights together to generate full power and verify our speed of response.

We then ran tests with the two single weights, dropping one after the other to verify smooth energy output over a longer period, alongside a programme of other tests to demonstrate and refine the full capabilities of the system.

The pioneering three-month test programme confirmed our modelling and provided us with valuable data ahead of our first full-scale projects.


Other Research Projects

In early 2022 we secured a grant of £912,000, under the Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Longer Duration Energy Storage (LDES) competition, to complete a 12-month Front End Engineering Design programme for a long duration gravity energy storage system (> 4hrs) to be deployed in the UK.

The extensive R&D work allowed us to gain valuable insight and progress the design of our multi-weight systems, which will be a key future development of the technology.

Concurrently, Gravitricity and engineering consultancy Arup secured a £300,000 grant from BEIS to study the feasibility of storing hydrogen in purpose-built underground shafts. The award was part of the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio Low Carbon HySupply 2 Competition and the subsequent research provided us with valuable inputs for our groundbreaking hydrogen storage plans.

Project Pipeline

At the same time, we have also developed an in-house project development database of 300+ sites and established a network of worldwide partners:

Project Opportunities


  • Exploring potential at mines in California
  • Partnership discussions with US renewable developer
  • Exploring market opportunities


  • Market research study completed in-house


  • R&D collaboration discussions for a demonstrator site leading onto commercial projects
  • Significant roll-out potential


  • Paid feasibility study for GraviStore co-located with Solar PV farm

South Africa

  • 35+ 1000m deep shafts and 6000+ disused mines identified
  • Discussion ongoing for project development/service and proposal for paid feasibility study


  • Proposal for paid feasibility study with coal mine and thermal plant owner


  • Pre-feasibility Market research study completed as part of collaboration agreement with Panitek India
  • Follow on year-long feasibility study ongoing


  • Partnership discussions ongoing

Czechia & Poland

  • 30+ sites identified
  • Strong relationships with key partners in Czechia and Poland
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